Feeling the Stress of the Times?

Hi, Thanks for being a reader here. My mission is to provide quality content to help you live a happy, balanced, and healthy life.

There are a lot of heavy events in the news, and it doesn’t seem likely it will lessen anytime soon. For some, worry, sadness, or frustration, has become a chronic companion.

There’s one important distinction, however. Worry may be present, but it doesn’t have to make you miserable.

I recorded a 15-minute guided meditation for my readers. It follows the method of Yoga Nidra, and the technique is proven to reduce anxiety and worry.

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that will bring you to the delightful space between wakefulness and sleep. This is the space where your mind can heal. 🧘🏾

Here’s a link to your free video or click on the photo above.

I hope you’ll try it, and please share with someone you know who’s feeling worry right now.

Thanks for being a reader here,
Christine Bradstreet

Christine Bradstreet