Act on Your Impulse to Do Good

Be quick to do good.
If you are slow,
The mind, delighting in mischief,
Will catch you.-from The Dhammapada

Act on your impulses to do good.

How easily we talk ourselves out of doing good. The impulse to do good will come from your small inner voice. Sometimes it may even yell at you. Nevertheless, the impulse is fleeting, then the ego jumps in with “logic” and rationalizations to talk you out of it.

I’ll do it later.
No one cares anyway.
I don’t see why I should when no one else is.
It could all go wrong.

When the impulse hits you, make the call, extend the kindness, be generous, forgive, and give more than expected.

Speaking of expectations, don’t expect anything in return. You’re not doing good to get the thank you or for recognition or reward. You’re doing good because you’re tapping into the Divine within you and demonstrating it here in this material world that doesn’t always seem “good”.

“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.” -Saint Basil

Rest assured, however, that as you plant good deeds, you’ll reap goodness in return. As you radiate with a vibration of goodness, you’ll attract it back into your life. You’re not keeping score, but you’re trusting in the Goodness of the Universe.

When you get the impulse to do good, listen to it. Your inner voice is your connection to the Divine. It won’t steer you wrong.

You deserve genuine and lifelong happiness, the type of happiness that can’t be taken away from you no matter what sort of craziness is happening in the world. Read my book, Happy Ever After. We can all use that right now.